
Testing and assessment

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Teachers’ forefront assessment in curriculum planning and use the Australian Curriculum achievement standards to align curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting; and use moderation to ensure comparability and validity of reported results.

Teacher’s plan, design and implement assessment to gather information and monitor student progress, inform teaching and learning, and report on student achievement of the Australian Curriculum achievement standards.
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We have a Data collection plan that staff follow and use to information to analyse student growth and inform teaching.

Assessment occurs throughout the semester and is gathered via a range of assessment tools such as testing, oral speaking, checklists, anecdotal records and investigations.  Our staff use diagnostic, formative and summative assessment in their programs. 

Diagnostic assessment is used to identify areas for improvement in mathematics and English. The main purpose of formative assessment is to provide feedback (information and guidance) to students, parents and teachers. 
Summative assessment instruments from key learning areas are used to measure student achievement against the Australian Curriculum Standards.  Student work is moderated across schools in our cluster. 

Parents receive written reports about their child/children’s achievement and progress at the end of Semester One and Semester Two. Student led Parent teacher conferences occur during Term One and Three.  However, parents are encouraged to arrange a time to meet with teachers throughout the year as required to discuss student progress.

NAPLAN is a national test of literacy and numeracy administered in March each year in Years 3 and 5. Individual student results are usually received by parents in Semester Two.

Whole School Moderation Process
Our leadership team and teachers are committed to a cyclical moderation process and participation in professional conversations during the teaching and learning cycle (refer to Moderation Schedule for timeline). 

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Moderation is reflected in the three levels of curriculum, assessment, and reporting.
Teachers will utilise the moderation processes to build a deep understanding of the Australian Curriculum, build assessment, literacy and support consistency of teacher judgments and accuracy of reported results against the relevant standards.
In choosing a moderation focus, teachers will utilise the following sources:
  • A – E data trends
  • Learning area data trends
  • Assessable elements
Our whole school approach to moderation involves teachers engaging in professional conversations both as a year level and with the cluster, sharing expectations about student learning and achievement. This process supports teachers to align curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting.Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 2.50.43 pm.png
Maximising Learning Timeline
Cohort teams are released each fortnight to analysis learning outcomes and plan together for supporting students improvements.  Each teacher brings a spotlight student’s work with them to discuss in detail and collectively construct improvement strategies.  During this time teams will have time to work together on assessment, pedagogy or curriculum to ensure consistency across classes.
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Last reviewed 07 August 2023
Last updated 07 August 2023