

Homework is encouraged as a link between home and school. New guidelines for Queensland State Schools about levels of student homework emphasize a need for balance between family life and consolidating classroom learning.  Prescribed levels of homework for different age groups are as follows.
PrepGenerally students will not be set homework.
Years 1, 2 & 3Could be up to but generally not more than an hour a week.
Years 4 and 5 Could be up to but generally not more than 2 to 3 hours a week.
Year 6 
Could be up to but generally not more than 3 to 4 hours a week.
Classes at Glenore Grove offer homework which focusses on reading and sight words as well as the practising of number facts in accordance with the above guidelines. 

At Glenore Grove State School, we believe learning to read is a priority for every student. Teachers work hard at school to teach reading and your support at home would make a difference in student achievements.  We ask that all students read each night for about 20 minutes. Reading can be to a child, with a child or by a child depending on the day and child’s ability. Children from Prep to Year 2 can bring in a document wallet and take home books each Monday to read each night that week. They can read and re read these books as many times as necessary to build fluency. Books sent home are at students’ independent levels. Students in Years 3 to 6 or other higher level readers should be borrowing books from the library to take home and read each night.

Fill out your reading diary each time you read for 20 mins and colour in one owl. After you have 50, 100, 150 & 200 reading events & owls coloured in you can show your teacher and you will be rewarded with an owl brag tags on assembly.Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 1.02.31 pm.png

We run a Homework Centre 3 afternoons a week.  Monday, Tuesday and Thursday straight after school until 3:45pm.  Please contact the office for an application form or complete the attached form.  Enrolment is dependent on current student enrolments.

Last reviewed 07 August 2023
Last updated 07 August 2023